Angels in Waiting Foster Care

Experience Love & Support with Angels in Waiting Foster Care – If you are considering becoming a foster parent or seeking support as a foster child, Angels in Waiting Foster Care is here to help. Their mission is to provide love, care, and support to children in the foster care system, and they do so through a range of services and resources.

As a foster parent or child, you may feel overwhelmed or uncertain about what to expect. Angels in Waiting can provide guidance and support through every step of the process, from initial training to adoption.

Angels in Waiting Foster Care

Key Takeaways:

  • Angels in Waiting Foster Care provides love and support to children in foster care.
  • The organization offers a range of services and resources for foster parents and children.
  • Angels in Waiting can guide you through the process of becoming a foster parent or navigating the foster care system as a child.

Understanding Angels in Waiting Foster Care

If you are considering becoming a foster parent or are a child in the foster care system, it is important to understand the role of foster care organizations such as Angels in Waiting. These organizations provide essential support and services to both children and parents in the foster care system.

Angels in Waiting is a foster care organization that offers a wide range of services to foster children and their families. These services include providing foster care support, resources, training, and guidance to ensure a successful experience for all involved.

Foster Care Support Foster Care Services Foster Care Organization
Angels in Waiting provides ongoing support to both foster children and their parents. This support includes counseling, education, and advocacy to ensure that both children and parents have the resources they need to succeed in the foster care system. The organization also offers a variety of foster care services, including placement services, transportation, medical care, and more. These services are designed to help foster children thrive and succeed in their new homes. As a foster care organization, Angels in Waiting plays a vital role in the foster care system. The organization works closely with local authorities and other organizations to ensure that children in the foster care system receive the care and support they need to succeed in life.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent or volunteering with a foster care organization, it is important to understand the role of these organizations in the foster care system. By working with organizations such as Angels in Waiting, you can help make a difference in the lives of foster children and their families.

The Transformative Journey with Angels in Waiting

The foster care system can be a challenging and overwhelming experience for children. However, with the love and support of Angels in Waiting, foster children can embark on a transformative journey that leads to growth and development.

Angels in Waiting offers a holistic approach to foster care, providing not only basic necessities but also emotional support and guidance. Through their programs and services, foster children can learn life skills, overcome trauma, and build healthy relationships.

Programs & Services Impact on Foster Children
Therapeutic Services Healing from past trauma and developing healthy coping mechanisms
Life Skills Training Developing independence and self-sufficiency for a successful adulthood
Mentorship Establishing positive relationships and role models

By focusing on the individual needs of each foster child, Angels in Waiting fosters a sense of belonging and helps children thrive despite the challenges they may face. Their approach not only benefits the foster children but also positively impacts the foster care system as a whole.

With the support of Angels in Waiting, foster children have the opportunity to find stability and hope for a brighter future. The organization’s commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all foster children is crucial in improving the foster care system and ensuring that no child is left behind.

Support for Foster Parents

Being a foster parent can be a fulfilling experience, but it can also be challenging without the right support. At Angels in Waiting, we understand the importance of fostering a positive and supportive environment for both the foster child and the foster parent. That’s why we offer a range of resources, training, and guidance to ensure that our foster parents have all the support they need to succeed in their role.

Training and Resources

We provide comprehensive training and resources for our foster parents to equip them with the knowledge and skills they need to provide a safe and nurturing home for the foster child. Our training covers a range of topics, including child development, behavior management, trauma-informed care, and more. We also offer ongoing support in the form of access to licensed clinical social workers, as well as regular check-ins to ensure that our foster parents have everything they need to provide the best care possible.

Guidance and Advocacy

Our foster parents are never alone in their journey. We provide ongoing guidance and advocacy to help them navigate the often complex foster care system. Our team of experts is always available to answer questions, provide advice, and offer support whenever it’s needed. We also work closely with local agencies and service providers to ensure that our foster parents have access to all the resources they need to succeed.

Support Groups

At Angels in Waiting, we understand that sometimes the best support comes from those who have been through the same experience. That’s why we offer support groups for our foster parents to connect with others who understand the challenges and rewards of fostering. These groups provide a safe and supportive space for our foster parents to ask questions, share experiences, and offer each other advice and encouragement.

At Angels in Waiting, we are committed to providing our foster parents with all the support they need to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving environment for our foster children. If you are interested in becoming a foster parent and want to learn more about the support we offer, please contact us today.

Adoption through Angels in Waiting

One of the most important aspects of foster care is the opportunity for a child to find a permanent, loving home. Angels in Waiting recognizes this and has a comprehensive adoption process for foster children.

The process begins with the identification of a child who is available for adoption. Angels in Waiting works closely with the foster family and the child to ensure that the adoption is in the best interest of the child.

Once the decision to adopt has been made, Angels in Waiting provides support for the foster family through the legal process. This includes connecting the family with qualified attorneys and providing guidance on the necessary steps to complete the adoption.

Angels in Waiting also offers continued support for the family after the adoption is finalized. This includes resources and guidance to help the family adjust to their new life and provide the best possible care for the child.

The adoption process through Angels in Waiting provides a unique opportunity for a foster child to find a permanent home filled with love and support.

Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency

If you are considering becoming a foster parent or volunteer, Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency may be the right organization for you. Founded in 2005 by nurse and foster care advocate, Linda West-Conforti, Angels in Waiting is dedicated to providing love and support to foster children and their families.

As a foster care agency, Angels in Waiting offers a wide range of services, including foster parent support, educational resources, and training on trauma-informed care. The organization is committed to ensuring that foster parents have the skills and resources necessary to provide a safe and nurturing environment for foster children.

Waiting for Angels Foster Care

Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency is a waiting for angels foster care organization that provides a unique, personalized approach to foster care. The organization believes that every child has unique needs and deserves an individualized approach to care.

As a waiting for angels foster care agency, Angels in Waiting works with foster parents to develop a customized care plan that takes into account the child’s strengths, challenges, and interests. This approach ensures that foster children receive the support and care they need to thrive.

Becoming a Foster Parent or Volunteer

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent or volunteer with Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency, the first step is to attend an orientation session. These sessions provide an overview of the organization and its mission, as well as the requirements for becoming a foster parent or volunteer.

Once you have attended an orientation session, you will need to complete a thorough application process that includes a home study, background check, and training on trauma-informed care. Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency is committed to ensuring that all of their foster parents and volunteers have the skills and resources necessary to provide the best possible care to foster children.

Requirements to become a foster parent or volunteer:
Attend an orientation session
Pass a background check
Complete a home study
Complete trauma-informed care training

By becoming a foster parent or volunteer with Angels in Waiting Foster Care Agency, you can make a difference in the lives of foster children and their families. The love and support you provide can change lives and help foster children reach their full potential.


If you’re considering becoming a foster parent or volunteering with a foster care organization, Angels in Waiting is a great place to start. With a strong focus on love and support, they provide invaluable resources and guidance to ensure the best possible outcomes for foster children and their families.

Through their transformative journey, foster children can experience growth and change within the foster care system. And for those seeking permanent homes, Angels in Waiting offers adoption opportunities and ongoing support for both foster children and their adoptive families.

As a foster care agency, Angels in Waiting’s mission and values prioritize the well-being of foster children and their families. Their commitment to providing compassionate care and a nurturing environment is evident in the services they offer and the impact they have on the foster care community.

If you’re ready to make a difference in the lives of foster children, consider partnering with Angels in Waiting foster care and become part of a supportive community dedicated to creating a brighter future for all.


Q: What is Angels in Waiting foster care?

A: Angels in Waiting foster care is an organization that provides love and support to children in the foster care system.

Q: What services does Angels in Waiting offer?

A: Angels in Waiting offers a range of services for foster children, including mentoring, educational support, and counseling.

Q: How can I become a foster parent with Angels in Waiting?

A: To become a foster parent with Angels in Waiting, you will need to go through an application and training process. Visit our website for more information.

Q: Can I adopt a child through Angels in Waiting?

A: Yes, Angels in Waiting facilitates the adoption process for foster children who are in need of a permanent, loving home.

Q: What support is provided to foster parents by Angels in Waiting?

A: Angels in Waiting provides foster parents with resources, training, and guidance to ensure a successful foster care experience.

Q: How can I volunteer with Angels in Waiting?

A: To volunteer with Angels in Waiting, you can contact our organization and inquire about available opportunities.

Q: What is the mission of Angels in Waiting?

A: The mission of Angels in Waiting is to provide love, support, and a nurturing environment to children in the foster care system.

Q: How can I donate to Angels in Waiting?

A: You can donate to Angels in Waiting through our website or by contacting our organization directly. Your donation will help us continue our important work.



