Can Car Insurance Pay for Repairs? These are Certain Conditions

Can Car Insurance Pay for Repairs? These are Certain Conditions

Car insurance is a wise decision at this time because so many things are out of control that can damage our car.

Then can car insurance pay for repair? The answer depends on the type of coverage you choose and the damage to the car caused by certain conditions.

Before we discuss this further, we should first understand that there are various types of car insurance coverage that you need to know.

A car insurance policy usually cannot pay for all car damage except under certain conditions.

When repairing technical problems, but after the vehicle warranty has expired, you can consider buying car repair insurance.

Car Repair Insurance?

Car repair insurance is often referred to as mechanical damage insurance. MBI is one of the types of insurance available only at large companies, and this option can save you thousands of dollars in repairing the car.

MBI is not part of the normal insurance that you have previously purchased at the showroom. While MBI does not cover repairs to brake pads, spark plugs, tires, and fluid additions, this insurance can cover several things.

Such as exhaust, air conditioning, fuel system, brakes, engine, and drive chain. This insurance is similar to an extended warranty usually offered by dealers for a certain period, especially for car repairs.

But it would help if you remembered that not all insurance companies offer this type. Even if they make offers, they also have their limits.

For example, MBI applies if your vehicle is new. Another thing is if you register your car within less than 15,000 miles, you can get this insurance.

This coverage will also end if your vehicle begins to age, which is seven years after insurance registration or when the distance has reached 100,000 miles.

Before you agree to additional mechanical repair insurance, you must know some restrictions you must follow to get a car repair replacement fee.

Here are some conditions that you must understand:

1. Repair at the Auto Workshop

Insurance companies that provide MBI usually provide a repair shop option for repairs. They will require you to repair the car at a workshop approved and determined by insurance.

This you must follow, and you cannot repair the car in the workshop you want. Because if you do, then the insurance company cannot provide repair costs.

Because you choose your car repair shop and do not obey the rules written in the insurance policy.

2. Pay Deductibles

Engine repair insurance is also similar to traditional insurance. You still pay the deductible before the company can collect the remainder.

The MBI deduction is usually as low as $250 to $400. Even though you have to pay this amount, it is not worth the cost of repairing your car.

Because if you do not use this insurance, it can run up to thousands of dollars. Can car insurance pay for repairs? Of course, yes, if you follow the conditions set by the insurance company.

3. Not Including Treatment

This insurance cannot apply if you only carry out regular maintenance, such as changing tires or coolant. MBI can be used in certain conditions where your car components already in a state of needing to be replaced.

Ensure you check the policies and conditions thoroughly for all car components that can be repaired by insurance.

You can also ask the agent if you’re still unsure or if other issues need to be discussed.

From some of the provisions above, car insurance can improve the conditions that have been determined. And you have to pay a deductible to repair the vehicle with insurance costs.

Can car insurance pay for the repair in case of an accident? Of course, yes. Insurance will continue to improve all the conditions of your car in the event of an accident, theft, or fire.

However, mechanical damage that normally occurs due to the car’s age is usually not included in the insurance policy, and you can repair it yourself.

Routine vehicle maintenance, such as oil changes, is usually not included in your insurance policy.



