The Right Choice of Insurance Car 4 Hire

The Right Choice of Insurance Car 4 Hire

When you have a car rental business, you may be confused when looking for the right insurance for your rental car. Perhaps most of you have been offered free coverage insurance that comes with the car you own.

Usually, a rental car will be given three coverages: damage, theft, and third-party coverage.

When someone else rents your car, these three coverages are already in agreement. So when there is damage that the tenant’s negligence may cause, you can repair it with the insurance options you already have.

People will also look for insurance cars for hire because the security is more guaranteed. So as a car owner, you also feel safe when there is coverage for the car you rent.

The Best Insurance Choice for Rental Cars

There are several ways you can do in finding rental car insurance. Here are some ways to choose insurance for a rental car:

1. Online Insurance

When you want to book a car through an online site, you can easily compare the price with other companies that also provide car rental services.

You can see prices and different cars on the site. Before you rent a car, you can buy an additional insurance for security and a deal with the car rental.


There are several advantages that online insurance has that you can buy. Here are the advantages:

  • The insurance price is lower than the price from the rental company.
  • You can set your own rental time and compare prices.
  • Don’t worry about language problems, especially for those who rent a car abroad, because they also provide a translator to make it easier for you.


In addition to the advantages, insurance car four hire also has cons. Here are some of the drawbacks:

  • The insurance price is much higher than the insurance company’s price.
  • If there is damage to the car, you must pay the car rental company in advance. If the insurance already covers the cost of repairs, then you claim your money back.
  • This type of insurance does not reduce the excess when you deposit the car.

2. Insurance with Rental Companies

You can buy coverage simultaneously when you want to book a car with an online car rental company.


  • If when you use the car, and something happens, then you don’t have to pay the repair fee first and then claim it. Because the rental company is also included in the insurance company.
  • This type of coverage usually reduces the security deposit or excess money from the insurance you buy.


  • This type of coverage is usually more expensive than when you buy insurance on the site of a third-party insurance company that offers coverage options.
  • If there is a situation where the rental company charges you for something you may not agree to, then a separate insurance company cannot help you meet the cost.
  • This coverage is technically not like insurance because there are no rules and regulations.

3. Car Insurance at Third Party Insurance Companies

You are also given the option of buying from a third-party insurance company. There are usually several options online that are specifically designed for car rental.

Often this insurance is referred to as “overprotection insurance.”


  • Over-protection insurance rates are usually cheaper than additional coverage available on the rental company’s website.
  • You can buy from home, and annual coverage is also available.
  • Especially for those who rent a car abroad, you don’t have to worry about language problems because you can claim it when you go home.
  • When the rental company charges you for something you don’t agree with, the third-party company you purchased can help you.


  • If there is damage to the car, you must pay the rental company before you can claim it.
  • This insurance does not reduce the excess deposit when picking up the car.

Insurance for car four hire is a very important consideration, especially for renting a car. Choose insurance for safety and look for insurance at an affordable cost.



