Will Car Insurance Cover Stolen Items?

Will Car Insurance Cover Stolen Items?

A car will hopefully make everything easier and simpler while going somewhere. The trip will be easy; you can take some stuff you need and put it inside your car. Even more, for some people car is their second home where they can put lots of valuable things inside while going out.

However, one problem that almost all owners worry about is having their items were stolen from their second home, their car. Will car insurance cover steal items since these things are in your car? Does it mean that your car insurance will help pay you to replace the stolen items?

What Should You Do If Your Car is Broken Into?

Facing a problem like stealing items in your car is something very irritating. When you leave your laptop, luggage, purse, iPad, and other personal belongings inside your car, you want them placed safely there.

However, there are many cases where car owners find their car is broken into and lose their valuable items from there. Leaving our personal belongings inside the car is indeed a big risk. But this is completely the thief’s fault, so it is normal for the car owners to wish that there would be someone who helps pay for their lost items.

Unfortunately, car insurance does not cover most items you put inside your car. Car insurance will mostly cover only your vehicle and the occupants inside it, but it does not cover personal belongings.

However, you can use special insurance here that may help pay back the items stolen from your cars. Keep reading to find out what insurance can cover stolen items in your car.

Some Insurances That Can Cover Stolen Items Inside the Car

When you lose your personal belongings and have to face that your car is broken into, the first thing that might come to your mind is will car insurances cover stolen items. Especially when you lose valuable items in your car. Unfortunately, car insurance does not cover that, but there are other insurances you can have to cover your stolen items from your car.

1. Comprehensive Coverage Insurance

Comprehension coverage insurance covers any costs associated with replacing or repairing your car because of the thief. This full coverage insurance will protect your car from the damages that happen outside of an accident or collision.

If someone breaks your car, comprehensive coverage will cover the cost of repairing the broken part. For example, if someone breaks your car and he broke the windshield, you need money to repair your car. In this case, you can file a claim to pay your deductible.

Moreover, the comprehensive coverage will also cover the compensation of your car if it is stolen. You will get compensation as much as the value of your vehicle. For instance, you lost your vehicle, which costs $10.000, and you also have your laptop inside, those costs $1.000. You can file a claim to your car insurance company for the stolen vehicle and the valuable things inside.

Overall, this comprehensive coverage will help pay for the replacement or repair of your vehicle, including theft, vandalism, inclement weather such as flood, hail, or storms, and hitting an animal. If you want to protect your vehicle better, this insurance is recommended.

2. Homeowners or Renter’s Insurance

Homeowners or Renters Insurance is insurance to protect your personal properties, including land, buildings, vehicles, and other personal items. If your car insurance does not cover the stolen items in your car, Hometown or Renters Insurance must cover it.

Each policy will have different limits because you may choose low-limits, basic, or high-limits coverage for your personal properties. Homeowners or Renters Insurance will cover your personal properties when stolen or damaged. This insurance covers your properties from lightning, hail, windstorm, or fire.

When you are losing items from your vehicle, you can file a claim for those stolen items. Then, you usually have to provide receipts and documentation to prove the value of your stolen items. You can contact your homeowners or renters insurance to help you initiate the claim.

So, the question of will car insurance will cover stolen items is answered. The answer is no, but if you choose one of both insurances mentioned, you may get the claim of your stolen items from your car.



